Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Greg Giraldo Sober

Whilst recording last night's show at the Cellar, Pete from CHR reports that Greg Giraldo had some material about being sober for the past month. Pete also reported how sharp and flawless Greg's set was - perhaps a testament to his new found sobriety?

It was no secret amongst the comedians that Greg liked to drink, as the topic was poked fun at many times during the Patrice O'Neal & Jim Norton Roasts. Here's to hoping Greg keeps it up as we all know how brilliant he can be.

Greg joins a long list of CH Comedians that have been clean, including Colin Quinn, Jim Norton, Rich Vos, Bob Kelly, recently Ben Bailey, and I'm sure many others.

I'm not one of those "OMG DON'T DRINK" holier-than-thou douchebags, just drawing paralells to a comedian's sobriety and their successes.

Julian Clayton (who runs the great XRatedShirts.com) recently posted a great story on the CH Forum about doing some hellacious road work, whilst consuming large amounts of alcohol. This prompted Rich Vos to reply with some tough love advice that echoes the sentiments posted above.

To summarzie: If you want to be a successful comedian, lay off the booze and instead take advantage of the sloppy drunk whores that attend your shows


Blogger Nonya Bidness said...

you can only drink so much before a set becomes a blur, eh. good for greg.

8:54 PM  
Blogger Nonya Bidness said...

good for greg

8:54 PM  

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